William A. Camfield Fellowship

This Fellowship--originally created in July 2001 with the retirement of a beloved professor, past department Chair, and tireless advocate of the arts in Houston--supports student learning and curatorial training under the auspices of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. One undergraduate and one graduate fellow is selected for each academic year (September-May); each has the opportunity to work directly with a professional museum curator at the MFAH.

All graduate students and undergraduate students (excluding graduating seniors) of any major are welcome to apply.

Undergraduate students successfully awarded with the Camfield Fellowship will be required to enroll in three credits of HART 301 in both the fall and spring semesters during their museum internship. Graduate fellows will be required to enroll in three credits of HART 501 in the fall and spring semesters.

2025-26 Undergraduate William A. Camfield Fellowship Project Description

Ancient Mediterranean Art and Provenance

Supervisor: Danielle Bennett, Assistant Research Curator

Details on specific project research will be released soon.

2025-26 Graduate William A. Camfield Fellowship Project Description

Asian Art Department

Supervisor: Bradley Bailey, Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Curator of Asian Art

Details on project research will be released soon.

To apply: submit 1) a brief (1-2 page) statement expressing the applicant’s willingness to undertake the internship and how the Fellowship would enhance the applicant’s other studies at Rice, and career goals in the arts, 2) a CV, and 3) an unofficial transcript.


DEADLINE: March 1, 2025

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