Successful completion of the minor in Cinema and Media Studies will require the completion of six classes (18 credit hours). This includes three 200-level classes, selected from the following four:
Introduction of Film and Media Analysis (CMST 203)
History of Cinema and Media I: Invention to 1945 (CMST 201/GERM 280)
History of Cinema and Media II: 1945 to the Present (CMST 202)
History and Aesthetics of Film (FILM 280)
Additionally, students must take three elective courses, two of which must be at the 300-level or above. With the exception of core courses, no more than two courses from the same department may be used to fulfill the requirements of the minor. No more than three courses can be applied from transfer credits or study abroad.
Examples of 100, 200, 300, and 400-level elective courses offered by the core faculty.
New courses are added frequently, please check the Course Schedule each semester!
HART 336: Cinema and the City
HART 364: Gender and Sexuality in Film
HART 389: Justice and Cinema
HART 495: Readings in Media History and Theory
ENGL 273: Medicine and Media
ENGL 286: Classical and Contemporary Film
ENGL 320: Shakespeare on Film
ENGL 374: Theories of Cinema
ENGL 375: Film and Literature
ENGL 386: Medical Media Arts Lab
ENGL 398: Slavery in 20th Century Film and Fiction
GERM 122: History Through German Cinema
GERM 132: National Socialism and Film
GERM 134: Modern Media
GERM 136: German Film
GERM 328: German Adaptations: Text-Film
GERM 335: German Film (in English)
GERM 338: New German Film: Hitler’s Cinematic Children
GERM 352: The Politics of the Flesh
GERM 410: The Politics of German Film (in German)
FILM 180: 14 Films You Should See Before You Graduate
FILM 218: History through Film in East and Northeast Asia
FILM 284: Nonfiction Film
FILM 373: Survey of American Film and Culture
FILM 382: Modalities of Cinema
FILM 383: Global Cinema
FILM 385: Film Studies
FILM 432: Film Genre: The Western
FILM 433: Film Genre: Science Fiction
FILM 434: Comparative Film Genre
FILM 435: Seminar on Film Authorship
SOCI 389: Race, Gender, Class in Film
SPAN 390: Hispanic Cinema
SPAN 406: Latin American Cinema
FREN 305: Literary and Cultural Analysis: The Art of Reading
FREN 402: Global French Cinema (in English)
FREN 407: Cinema in French
Read more about the minor in cinema and media studies in the Rice University General Announcements.