"Cinema and the (Post-)Human" Lecture Series: John David Rhodes"
Sept. 12, 2024 | 4:00PM | Fondren Library, Kyle Morrow Room (3rd fl)
The Program in Cinema and Media Studies invites everyone to their "Cinema and the (Post-)Human" lecture series featuring Dr. John David Rhodes, Professor of Film Studies and Visual Culture at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Rhodes has published widely on European and American cinema and maintains a special interest in Italian cinema.
His lecture "Prop Value" is free and open to the public. Registration is strongly encouraged.
"From Marrakesh to Isfahan: A discussion with Prof. Finbarr Barry Flood about the new books by Abbey Stockstill and Farshid Emami"
Sept. 13, 2024 | 11:00AM CST | Zoom Webinar
All are invited to attend a joint book event online between Farshid Emami, Assistant Professor of Art History at Rice University, and Abbey Stockstill, Associate Professor of Islamic Art and Architecture at Southern Methodist University, regarding their recent publications in the “Buildings, Landscapes, and Societies” series with Penn State Press, moderated by Dr. Finbarr Barry Flood.
Spanning the medieval to the early modern, and reaching across the breadth of the Islamic world, Stockstill and Emami take innovative approaches to studying urban space, drawing on phenomenological experiences and novel readings of historical source material. In doing so, they question traditional paradigms of urbanism in the Islamic lands, and explore alternative models for understanding metropolitan development. Stockstill’s book, "Marrakesh and the Mountains: Landscape, Urban Planning, and Identity in the Medieval Maghrib," explores the city’s emergence as a North African capital under the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties, and the powerfully resonant role the surrounding landscape played in expressing authority and belonging on an urban scale. Emami’s "Isfahan: Architecture & Urban Experience in Early Modern Iran" develops the nature of Safavid cosmopolitanism as the product of a variety of individual and communal urban experiences, and expressed through the sensorial as much as the architectural.
Katherine Tsanoff Brown Lecture Series:
Roland Betancourt
Oct. 3, 2024 | 5:30PM | Fondren Library, Kyle Morrow Room
The Department of Art History welcomes everyone to attend the first Katherine Brown Lecture of the academic year featuring Dr. Roland Betancourt, Chancellor’s Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Betancourt's research focuses on the Byzantine Empire, including its art, liturgy, and theology, with an interest in issues of sexuality, gender identity, and race.
His lecture "Queer Fragments of Byzantium" is free and open to the public. Registration is strongly encouraged.
HART Public Lecture: Bernard Frischer
Oct. 9, 2024 | 2:00PM | Fondren Library, Kyle Morrow Room
The Department of Art History invites everyone to attend a public lecture featuring Bernard Frischer, Professor Emeritus of Informatics at Indiana University. The lecture will be moderated by Sophie Crawford-Brown, Assistant Professor of Art History and Director of the Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations Program.
His lecture "Rome Reborn: Ars Antiquaria Meets Ars Electronica" is free and open to the public. Registration is strongly encouraged.