Invited Speakers

Faculty frequently invite outside speakers whose work is relevant to courses they are offering or whose research and publications are important. Speakers may address individual classes or may give a public lecture or both. Public lectures are open to art history faculty, Rice faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and the public.

Invited Speakers for Public Lectures 2023-2024
James Doyle, Pennsylvania State University
Henry Vicente, Símon Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela
Sinclair Bell, Northern Illinois University
Haji Noor Deen Mi Guangjiang, Sini-Islamic Calligrapher

Invited Speakers for Public Lectures 2022-2023
Linarejos Moreno, University Complutense de Madrid
Vincent Valdez, Independent Artist
Joseph Koerner, Harvard University

Invited Speakers for Public Lectures 2021-2022
Heghnar Watenpaugh, University of California, Davis
Talinn Grigor, University of California, Davis
Azra Akšamija, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jaime Lauriano, Independent Artist

Invited Speakers for Public Lectures 2020-2021
Margaret MacNamidhe, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Yuko Miki, Fordham University

For a full list of all invited speakers for individual classes and public lectures in the past years, visit here.