On March 23, several undergraduate students from the Department of Art History presented papers at The O’Brien Undergraduate Conference on Medieval and Early Modern Studies. This annual conference from the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Department provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to present their research to their peers and professors.
Participating students from the Department of Art History:
Isabelle Bunten, "The Evolution of the Three Living and the Three Dead: From Moral Meaning to Memento Mori"
Haelee Chin, "The Medieval Caesarean Section: An Intersection of Medicine, Religion, Law, and Gender Roles"
Bob Chow, "Flawed Mirror: Individualized Pictorial Expression of wealth and power in Luttrell Psalter"
Ellie Mix, "Stratified Satisfaction in the Knight’s Tale and the Reeve’s Tale"
Art History students present at O’Brien Undergraduate Conference
April 3, 2019