Congratulations to Lynne Lee, PhD candidate, for being selected to attend the ISLAA Forum: Latin American and Latinx Art and Visual Culture Dissertation Workshop held at the University of Texas at Austin in April.
Amongst the competitive pool of applicants, Lynne was one out of only six doctoral students around the world selected to participate in the forum hosted by the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) and Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS).
The 3-day workshop is intended to serve students of modern and contemporary Latin American and Latinx art and visual culture from the nineteenth century to the present day in helping them develop their dissertation chapter manuscripts with this year’s invited scholars, Dária Jaremtchuk, Universidade de São Paulo, and Camilo Trumper, University of Buffalo (SUNY).
Lynne’s research delves into the reception of Black art in Brazil at a time of intense national modernization. Under her advisor Prof. Fabiola López-Durán, Lynne is currently working on her dissertation “Black Art in White Narratives: Early Afro-Brazilian Art History at the Crossroads of Science and Aesthetic.”
PhD candidate Lynne Lee selected to attend ISLAA Forum
ISLAA Forum: Latin American and Latinx Art and Visual Culture Dissertation Workshop