The HART in the World: Rome – Student Exhibition held its opening reception yesterday on the first floor of Herring Hall with a full house of Rice community and students gathering together to attend the unveiling.
Through photographs, sketches, and research projects, the exhibition captures the experiences through Italy of ten undergraduate students who participated in the HITW: Rome study abroad program from May 9-30, 2023 led by Prof. Sophie Crawford-Brown, Assistant Professor of Art History and Director of the Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations Program, and Eilis Coughlin, PhD student. The exhibition is fully organized, designed, and installed by the student participants and will be on display for the remainder of the academic year.
The Department of Art History offers Rice students an opportunity to study abroad through our HART in the World program every other year. The department covers airfare, lodging, and site admissions for all selected students.
2023 HITW: Rome | Student Participants: Chloe Chan, Elizabeth Fessler, Ella Langridge, Nicole Lhuillier, Ellie Mandelker, Will Marsden, Emily Montanez, Kenzie Pickett, Jin Yan, Alayne Ziglin
HART in the World: Rome - Student Exhibition | Opening Reception
Herring Hall