2024 HART Awards Ceremony

April 19, 2024

HART Awards Ceremony

Many of our bright and talented students were recognized and awarded at the Department of Art History Awards Ceremony on April 19 for their stellar achievements and hard work!

A special round of applause went to all the graduating students this year as they still managed to triumph and churn out excellent work despite a pandemic looming over a bulk of their time here at Rice. Equipped with that kind of perseverance, we have no doubt they will all go far and do well in any field after leaving Rice.

The brilliance of our undergraduate and graduate students in HART, MUCH, CMST, and AMC cannot be overstated and we are incredibly proud of them all!

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony

HART Awards Ceremony