HART in the World: London
May 4-22, 2019
The Department of Art History offers Rice students an opportunity to study abroad through our HART in the World program. Every other summer a faculty member and an advanced Ph.D. student lead a group to visit one of the world's great cultural centers. Our last HART in the World summer course was held in London in May 2019, featuring visits to museum, galleries, architectural sites, artists' studios, and more. Our next HART in the World seminar is planned for 2023.
HART in the World 2019 Courses:
HART 338/638 HART in the World London Spring Seminar (at Rice University)*
HART 397/697 HART in the WORLD London Field Study (London)
*HART 338/638 is a pre-requisite for HART 397/697

- Museum & Gallery Visits
Students enjoyed private visits to contemporary artist studios and galleries and curator/scholar-led museum visits to:
British Museum | National Gallery | Tate Modern | Tate Britain | National Maritime Museum | Courtauld Museum | Sir John Soane's House | Imperial War Museum | Wallace Collection
- Site Visits
St. Paul's Cathedral | Salisbury Cathedral | Stonehenge | Petworth House | Royal Academy of Art
There was also a sketching trip to Hampstead Heath and a performance at the Globe Theatre.
Through seminar discussions, on-site lectures, architectural itineraries, and museum visits, the set of courses explored the vibrant and complex political, social, and cultural histories of some of the most impressive museums, collections, and metropolitan art centers in the world. The airfare, lodging, transportation, and site admissions were covered by the department.
The course was led by Professor Leo Costello and Ph.D. candidate Rachel Harmeyer.
HART in the World: London 2019
Student Exhibition
During the fall semester following their summer abroad in London, the ten Rice students who participated in HART in the World installed a creative exhibition in Herring Hall that captured the experiences of their journey through photographs, journal entries, and historical materials.
The exhibition takes viewers through the group's trips to notable British art museums, meetings with art curators, visits to London's architectural wonders, and leisurely strolls around the city's famous parks and neighborhoods.

Questions about the program? Contact arthist@rice.edu