HART grad students lead Racial Geography Project Tour

2024 Rice Unicamp Mora Conference

RGP Tour

Lynne Lee, HART PhD candidate, and Dr. Adrienne Rooney, HART grad alum, guided visitors on a free, public Racial Geography Project Tour on campus last week providing an alternative narrative to Rice’s history that is often unspoken and unacknowledged.

The insightful research and historical findings from students in the Racial Geography Project provided guests with a much deeper understanding and perspective of the university that had previously been largely ignored or gone unnoticed. Founded by Fabiola López-Durán, Associate Professor of Art and Architectural History, and Adrienne Rooney, the Racial Geography Project (RGP) is a research collective that investigates and unveils histories of racism and violence registered on the Rice campus - from its land and buildings, to its monument and ornaments.

The tour wrapped up the 2024 Rice Unicamp Mora Conference which invited speakers from the Instituto Mora, Mexico City and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil to campus under this year’s theme “Contested Narratives: memories, sites, monuments.”

[Photos: Eilis Coughlin]

RGP Tour

RGP Tour

RGP Tour

RGP Tour

RGP Tour