Student Spotlight: Ginevra Bria, Ph.D. student | 2022-23 Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Fellow

2022-2023 Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Fellow

Ginevra Bria

Congratulations to Ginevra Bria, Art History Ph.D. student, for being awarded the new Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Fellowship. As a fellow next academic year, Ginevra will work as an intern under the guidance of CAMH's Assistant Curator and assist the curatorial department, focusing primarily on a major upcoming exhibition and publication that will survey the work of a renowned Houston-based contemporary artist.

Specializing in Environmental Anthropology and Modern Latin American Art, Ginevra shares how her robust experience and interests will help with her work at CAMH:

"As future curator, scholar and researcher, I believe I would aim to be ‘moulded’ by my experience at CAMH, and by its approach to different audiences; even promoting eventual inter-sectorial collaborations, in parallel with, for instance, European Institutions. I’d aim to represent an external bridge, which could result in an opportunity of growing, of sharing a new typology of collective knowledge. Aesthetic systems composed, for instance, by referring to cultural practices and following educational or archival programs, enabling systematized criteria of public apprehension and transmission of modern or contemporary footprints, as milieu for future generations."